Metadata from Accession 2508

Experiment name:        ACM8 (Denmark Str Ovfl)
Principal Investigator: R.Dickson
PI's affiliation:       CEFAS
Mooring Name:           9603
Mooring position:       63.487 deg N,   36.278 deg W
Instrument depth:       1849 meters
Seafloor depth:         1949 meters
Times:                  starts 30 Jul 1997, ends 18 Aug 1997
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      2.81    26.75    56.10    11.71     18.9
dir (deg true)    121.31   245.84   328.99    41.91     18.9
u (cm/sec)        -54.68   -21.22    27.02    15.70     18.9
v (cm/sec)        -30.20    -6.04    24.26    10.92     18.9
temp (deg C)        1.43     2.09     2.98     0.39     18.9
pressure (db)    1869.40  1872.88  1881.90     3.32     18.9

Accessions 2507 and 2508 (this one) are from the same current
meter record. Apparently the meter stopped for 42 minutes on
30 July 1997 (at the end of Accession 2507) and then restarted.
One record was lost, and the time base changed. Because of the
change of time base (the measurements in Accession 2507 lie 30
minutes after the hour, and those in Accession 2508 lie 17
minutes after the hour) the record has been processed as two

A comment by CEFAS: "The pressure sensor records 1876 db at
the start of the series [i.e., at the start of Accession 2507],
approximating to a depth of 1849 m. This is in excellent agreement
with the expected meter height of 100 m in a water depth of 1949 m.
The pressure estimates decrease near the end of the series from
1869 db on 14/7/97 to a minimum of 1851 db. This corresponds to
a decrease in bit value of only 3 and may be an indication of a
power problem (the clock appears to have stopped shortly after
this). At the start of the complementary series [Accession 2508,
the present file] a few hours later, the pressure record is
1876 db."

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