Experiment name: ACM8 (Denmark Str Ovfl) Principal Investigator: R.Dickson PI's affiliation: MAFF Lowestoft Mooring Name: 9003 Mooring position: 65.165 deg N, 30.783 deg W Instrument depth: 1231 meters Seafloor depth: 1500 meters Times: starts 09 Mar 1990, ends 10 Jul 1990 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 1.50 19.44 125.82 19.62 122.8 dir (deg true) 0.40 247.55 359.52 62.04 122.8 U (cm/sec) -118.86 -14.00 76.40 18.81 122.8 V (cm/sec) -83.65 -2.59 73.35 14.37 122.8 temp (deg C) -1.23 2.63 3.92 1.01 122.8 MAFF has provided the following comments: Speeds appear low when compared with those from other meters on this mooring for the period 0200 24 April to 0600 17 June 1990. Temperatures in this record are approximately 1 deg C cooler than those at the bottom meter for the period 1500 9 May to 0200 10 May 1990.
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