Experiment name: ACM8 (Denmark Str Ovfl) Principal Investigator: R.Dickson PI's affiliation: MAFF Mooring Name: 8804 Mooring position: 63.278 deg N, 35.870 deg W Instrument depth: 2326 meters Seafloor depth: 2345 meters Times: starts 04 Jul 1988, ends 31 Jul 1988 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 10.69 27.35 45.37 7.78 27.4 dir (deg true) 166.42 235.68 304.44 25.15 27.4 U (cm/sec) -42.97 -21.41 6.52 11.07 27.4 V (cm/sec) -32.68 -12.96 16.95 7.73 27.4 temp (deg C) 0.81 1.33 1.91 0.20 27.4 pressure (db) 2309.00 2314.51 2326.00 2.68 27.4 cond (mmho/cm) 30.91 31.36 31.85 0.16 27.4 The pressure and conductivity values in this record are based on sensor calibrations made in the Fall of 1990, more than a year after the deployment.
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