Metadata from Accession 1641

Experiment name:        ACM7
Principal Investigator: F.Schott
PI's affiliation:       Institut fuer Meereskund
Mooring Name:           K359
Mooring position:       0.243 deg N,   44.310 deg W
Instrument depth:       947 meters
Seafloor depth:         2885 meters
Times:                  starts 28 Oct 1992, ends 04 Mar 1994
Time increment:         720 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.81    25.70    59.20    12.36    315.5
dir (deg true)      0.00   179.03   353.81    91.48    315.5
U (cm/sec)        -26.70    11.77    55.80    20.16    315.5
V (cm/sec)        -31.50    -4.87    32.10    15.64    315.5
temp (deg C)        4.25     4.44     4.57     0.04    492.5

Speed and direction contain two long gaps. These are found in
lines 34 through 315 and from line 632 through the end of the file. 

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