Experiment name: ACM1 (ACCP-3) Principal Investigator: T.Lee, W.Johns PI's affiliation: RSMAS Mooring Name: Mooring 330 Mooring position: 26.410 deg N, 76.500 deg W Instrument depth: 1200 meters Seafloor depth: 4840 meters Times: starts 31 Oct 1995, ends 12 Jun 1997 Time increment: 720 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 0.51 16.68 54.42 9.18 590.5 dir (deg true) 1.45 179.33 359.96 67.14 590.5 u (cm/sec) -29.42 0.26 29.90 6.94 590.5 v (cm/sec) -54.32 -11.26 35.58 13.70 590.5 temp (deg C) 2.79 4.55 5.52 0.46 590.5 pressure (db) 1158.28 1271.00 2102.40 174.49 590.5 This instrument experienced some extreme depth excursions, which caused the pressure sensor to go offscale twice. The final several days of the pressure record have been lost, and there is a gap in lines 1030 - 1052 (0000 29 Mar 97 - 0000 9 Apr 97).
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