Experiment name: NPEO Principal Investigator: K.Aagaard Affiliation: U of Washington Mooring name: NP 2005-06 Mooring position: 89.253 deg N, 64.692 deg E Instrument depth: 289 meters Seafloor depth: 4345 meters Times: 0501 22 Apr 2005 to 0007 20 Apr 2006 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM7 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.80 2.15 8.90 1.32 362.79 dir (deg true) 0.00 208.40 359.70 100.60 362.79 u (cm/sec) -7.61 -0.38 5.24 1.88 362.79 v (cm/sec) -7.95 0.23 4.69 1.62 362.79 temp (deg C) -0.37 1.04 1.22 0.10 362.79 pressure (db) 292.34 292.33 292.34 0.01 362.79 Approximately 32.8% of the speeds were at or below the instrument's stall speed, which is 0.8 cm/sec. These speeds have been recorded as 0.8 cm/sec. There are problems with direction in this file. The PI notes: "The compass in this instrument, or possibly the vane, appears to have been unable to swing freely for extended periods during which it could report a direction only about 300 degrees magnetic, notably during 2005 days 115-145, 2005 days 255-285, and after 2006 day 045. Otherwise, there were almost no really good periods of apparent vertical coherence of current to allow comparison of compass directions from different instruments, especially this shallow. An attempt to find agreement with the compass in RCM-7 1315 at 600m during one short, possible comparison period found discouraging disagreement in the only quadrants with any samples. This may reflect the extremely weak horizontal magnetic field."
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