Experiment name: NPEO Principal Investigator: K.Aagaard Affiliation: U of Washington Mooring name: NP 2003-04 Mooring position: 89.389 deg N, 46.119 deg E Instrument depth: 1704 meters Seafloor depth: 4301 meters Times: 0000 26 Apr 2003 to 1129 18 Apr 2004 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: Seabird SBE37 parameter min mean max stddev days temp (deg C) -0.66 -0.62 -0.58 0.02 358.50 cond (mmho/cm) 29.14 29.20 29.26 0.02 327.27 salinity (PSU) 34.85 34.91 34.95 0.01 327.27 The conductivity sensor failed after line 15709 (0600 18 Mar 2004). The conductivity and salinity series end at that point. The pressure sensor failed completely. U of W notes that "Besides a pressure sensor failure, large portions of [the] conductivity and derived salinity records appear clearly erroneous. There are portions that appear reasonable, even if unreliable, and so we have retained them with this warning." Our guess is that most if not all of the "clearly erroneous" portion of the conductivity series lay after line 15709, and has not been included here. The conductivities that are included mostly follow temperature closely (a common pattern) and may be OK.
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