Metadata from Accession 5590

Experiment name:        NPEO
Principal Investigator: K.Aagaard
Affiliation:            U of Washington
Mooring name:           NP 2003-04
Mooring position:       89.389 deg N,  46.119 deg E
Instrument depth:       1006 meters
Seafloor depth:         4301 meters
Times:                  0030 26 Apr 2003 to 1128 18 Apr 2004
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        Seabird SBE37

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

temp (deg C)        -0.33    -0.25    -0.17    0.03    358.48
pressure (db)     1017.89  1018.52  1021.34    0.44    358.48
cond (mmho/cm)      29.11    29.18    29.26    0.03    358.48
salinity (PSU)      34.85    34.88    34.89    0.00    358.48

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