Experiment name: NPEO Principal Investigator: K.Aagaard Affiliation: U of Washington Mooring name: NP 2002-03 Mooring position: 89.458 deg N, 53.521 deg E Instrument depth: 1708 meters Seafloor depth: 4297 meters Times: 1100 23 Apr 2002 to 1606 22 Apr 2003 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM7 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.75 1.86 6.49 1.44 364.25 dir (deg true) 0.12 184.68 359.78 102.46 364.25 u (cm/sec) -5.46 -0.27 4.49 1.62 364.25 v (cm/sec) -5.19 -0.30 5.68 1.66 364.25 temp (deg C) -0.64 -0.59 -0.53 0.02 364.25Move up one levelAbout 56.0% of the speeds were at or below the instrument's stall speed, which is 0.75 cm/sec. These speeds have been recorded as 0.75 cm/sec.