Metadata from CMDAC Accession 4432

Experiment name:        ICM4 (JADE)
Principal Investigator: M.Fieux
PI's affiliation:       LODYC
Mooring Name:           M2
Mooring position:       11.250 deg S,  122.878 deg E
Instrument depth:       170 meters
Seafloor depth:         1850 meters
Times:                  starts 23 Aug 1989, ends 23 Jul 1990
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.50    19.46    57.76     9.84    331.7
dir (deg true)      3.00   218.70   359.00    59.05    331.7
u (cm/sec)        -48.55   -11.53    41.61    11.89    331.7
v (cm/sec)        -50.21    -9.59    27.09    10.44    331.7
temp (deg C)        5.52    14.50    19.60     2.02    334.0
pressure (db)     126.50   164.03   730.60    48.06    334.0

Speed and direction end at line 7961, about 2.3 days earlier than
temperature and pressure.

The minimum pressure recorded by this instrument corresponds
to a depth about 45 meters shallower than the stated depth of
the current meter.

Move up one level.