Metadata from CMDAC Accession 618

Experiment name:        Denmark Str Ovfl (ACM8)
Principal Investigator: R.Dickson
PI's affiliation:       MAFF
Mooring Name:           8910
Mooring position:       63.557 deg N,   36.505 deg W
Instrument depth:       1747 meters
Seafloor depth:         1767 meters
Times:                  starts 03 Jul 1989, ends 01 Nov 1990
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.50    28.94    58.80    11.05    120.8
dir (deg true)     37.87   242.92   349.64    27.55    120.8
u (cm/sec)        -57.48   -24.07    23.22    11.86    120.8
v (cm/sec)        -51.68   -11.25    35.86    10.65    120.8
temp (deg C)        0.86     1.85     3.11     0.47    120.8

MAFF notes that the quality of this record is poor after the
first 54 days, but that its speeds and directions are in good
agreement with those from the meter above this one on the mooring.

The speed series of this record contains a large number of
spikes that appear to be instrument errors. CMDAC has prepared
an alternate file in which the data have been smoothed in two
steps: First, many individual speed spikes were removed by linear
interpolation. Second, all of the time series (u, v, and
tempterature) were smoothed further by passing them through a
low pass cosine-lanczos filter. This filter removes completely
all frequencies higher than 4 cycles per day; frequencies lower
than 6.6 cycles per day are passed unattenuated. Both the original
version of this file and the value-added version are available
on this disk.

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