Metadata from CMDAC Accession 4053

Experiment name:        ACM9
Principal Investigator: J.Candela
PI's affiliation:       Inst Esp Hidro de la Mar
Mooring Name:           S2
Mooring position:       35.918 deg N,    5.749 deg W
Bin depth:              15 meters
Seafloor depth:         274 meters
Times:                  starts 20 Oct 1994, ends 03 Apr 1995
Time increment:         15 minutes
Instrument type:        ADCP

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.14    74.95   502.14    60.17    164.8
dir (deg true)      0.02   149.13   359.98   102.61    164.8
u (cm/sec)       -275.28    31.73   475.84    87.03    164.8
v (cm/sec)       -130.30     7.36   224.97    24.54    164.8
w (cm/sec)        -45.00    -0.76    33.70     4.28    164.8

Near-surface bins from this instrument contain a relatively high
percentage of poor returns. CMDAC has discarded bins shallower
than 15 meters and has prepared alternate versions of files from
several other bins. The present file contains a number of spikes
and other artifacts caused by transmissions in which no good
reflections were counted. The first 19 days of the file contain
no useful information. We have prepared an alternate version
of the file, in which the first 19 days have been removed and
a number of questionable episodes have been bridged by linear
or predictive interpolation. Both versions of this current record
are available here.

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