Pre-WOCE Flow statistics

The global data set in January 1989, compiled by Bob Dickson and Ken Medler, CEFAS UK

Published under same title, as WCRP-30 (WMO/TD-No.337) by WMO, Geneva

The map shows the location of all data (as of January 1989) in this collection.

The statistics available are eddy kinetic energy per unit mass, kinetic energy of the mean flow, and covariance of east with north. Almost all of the statistics are derived from low-passed records (high frequency cutoff 1 to 2 days). Note: mean values of the current are not available here.

The following data files are available here; their format is appropriate for printing:

Click here to see which research institutions provided the data.

You can also view enlarged segments of the distribution map:

Move up one level.