This document shows the sources of the flow statistics compiled by R. Dickson and K. Medler. The flow statistics can be found in lists that are present elsewhere on this disk. To find the originator of a particular line in one of the flowstats lists, go to the left side of that line and note the table number (the leftmost item in the line). Find the same table number here, in the list immediately below, and note the acronym(s) or abbreviation(s) at the right. Then scroll to the bottom of this document, where you will find a second list that contains each acronym or abbreviation and the full name of the organization for which it stands.
(The tables referred to here are tables in a WOCE report that contains these statistics. The report is titled "Flow Statistics from Long-Term Current Meter Moorings". It was originally published in 1990 as World Climate Research Program report WMO/TD - No.337, and was updated in 1998.)
Table Experiment name or locale Originators --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 MODE WHOI 2-6 POLYMODE WHOI 7 POLYMODE IO Moscow 8 Labrador Slope BIO 9 Hamilton Bank Array BIO 10 Polarfront Array BIO 11 Newfoundland Basin Arrays BIO 12 Nova Scotia Slope BIO 13 RISEX BIO, WHOI 14 HEBBLE WHOI 15 Scotian Rise FSU 16 Gulf Stream Experiment BIO 17 Gulf Strean Extension WHOI, BIO 18 Gulf Stream Synoptic Mapping Exp. BIO 19 South of Gulf Stream BIO 20 Rise Array WHOI 21 GUSTO WHOI 22 GS Hatteras, GS Dynamics URI 23 LOTUS 3 and 5 WHOI 24 LLWODOP East OSU 25 Bermuda Array, Island Trapped Waves WHOI 26 Local Dynamics Experiment WHOI 27 Western Boundary Undercurrent WHOI 28 FASINEX WHOI 29 STACS RSMAS 30 Antilles Current RSMAS 31 Nares Abyssal Plain OSU 32 Bermuda Rise FSU, URI 33 Blake Plateau RSMAS 34 BIOWATT LDEO 35 Labrador Current BIO 36 SYNOP (Inlet Array) URI 37 SYNOP WHOI 38 Intergyre Exchange Expt BIO 39 WATTS (WOCE ACM1) RSMAS 40 ACCP-1 (WOCE ACM1) RSMAS 100 NE Atlantic Dynamics Study CEFAS, COB, IFMK, IOS 101 West Shetland Array DOEn, IOS 102 Rockall Channel IOS, SMBA 103 Rockall Bank Array CEFAS 104 Rockall Rise Array CEFAS 105 Porcupine Bank Array CEFAS, SMBA 106 Porcupine Rise Array CEFAS, IOS 107 Porcupine Abyssal Plain Array CEFAS 108 Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone CEFAS, IFMK, WHOI 109 TOPOGULF IFMK, IFREMER 110 East of Mid-Atlantic Ridge CEFAS, IFMK 111 NOAMP Array DHI 112 TOURBILLON/EDYLOC/ELODYANE CEFAS, COB 113 Biscay Rise Array CEFAS, COB, IOS 115 Charcot/Theta Gap Array CEFAS 116 Iberia Abyssal Plain Array CEFAS 117 Azores Region CEFAS, IOS 118 Discovery Gap IOS 119 Gibraltar Sill OSU, WHOI 120 Madiera Abyssal Plain and Rise CEFAS, IOS, IFMK 121 Canary Abyssal Plain COB, IFMK, WHOI 122 Cape Verde Arrays IFMK, UBG 123 Lygurian Sea, DYOME MNHN 124 Lygurian Sea, PROLIG-2 COM 125 Bay of Biscay PML 126 Mediterranean Sea, MEDIPROD-5 COM 127 Faeroe Bank Channel IOSDL 128 Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone IOSDL 129 Iberian Penninsula, BORD-EST LPO 130 Ligurian Sea, PRIMO-0 COM 131 Subduction (WOCE ACM25) WHOI 132 Goban Spur PML 133 WOCE ACM8 IFMH, BSH 134 Subduction (WOCE ACM25) WHOI 135 WOCE ACM28 ULisbon 136 Ocean Margin Exchange IFMK, IFREMER, PML, UCG 137 Bay of Biscay, Triple-B NIOZ 200 Western Pacific Kago U 201 Western Pacific U Tokyo 202 Shikoku Basin U Tokyo 203 Western Pacific JMet 204 Western Pacific MRI 205 Western Pacific MSAJ 206 Western Pacific GIKU, TSKU 207 WESPAC WHOI 208 Emperor Seamounts OSU, PMEL 209 Zonal Exploration Array WHOI 210 North Pacific Boundary Current WHOI 211 Gulf of Alaska OSU, U Alaska 212 East Central Pacific PMEL 213 LLWODP West OSU 214 OPTOMA OSU 215 NEPAC SIO 216 Alaskan Stream PMEL 217 Juan de Fuca Ridge PMEL 219 Pre-Subduction WHOI 220 Monterey Bay OSU 221 Abrupt Topography OSU 226 Kuroshio Ext (WOCE PCM7) NRL, OSU 228 Abyssal Boundary Curr (WOCE PCM6) WHOI 300 Pre-SEQUAL and SEQUAL USF, WHOI 301 Gulf of Guinea USF 302 Western Boundary Sill Experiment WHOI 303 Vitoria-Trinidade Ridge IFMK 304 WOCE ACM7 IFMK 305 Cabo Frio Moorings IFMK, IOUSP 306 WOCE ACM10 WHOI 307 Romanche & Chain FZs (WOCE ACM11) LPO 308 Brazil Current (WOCE ACM24) FSU 400 Somali Current RSMAS 401 Madegascar Arrays RSMAS 402 INDEX MNHN, SIO, WHOI 403 Arabian Sea WHOI 404 Central Indian Ocean (WOCE ICM8) IFMH, IFMK 500 PEQUOD MIT, OSU 501 Gilbert Islands MIT 502 MANOP OSU 503 EPOCS (Peru shelf and slope) OSU 504 EPOCS Continued CSIRO, PMEL, SIO, USF 505 Central & Eastern Tropical Pacific 506 TOGA USF 507 TIWE USF 508 Vitiaz Str Transport (WOCE PCM15) LSU 509 COARE USF 510 Samoan Passage (WOCE PCM11) OSU, SIO 601 Baffin Bay/Davis Strait BIO 602 West Spitzbergen Current U Wash 603 Fram Strait GI(Bergen) 604 Greenland Sea NIOZ, MRIR, RDANH 605 Jan Mayen Ridge U Bergen 606 MONA Records IFMK, U Wash 607 Denmark Strait Overflow CEFAS, IFMH 608 Nordic Seas WHOI 609 Davis Strait BIO 610 Greenland Sea IFMK 611 Iceland Basin, DUTCH-WARP NIOZ 612 Greenland Sea Project AWI 613 Iceland Basin (WOCE ACM8) IOSDL 701 Ridge Array OSU, WHOI 702 Ross Sea OSU 703 PRISM (Ross Sea) OSU 704 ACE (East Australia) OSU 705 Drake Passage OSU, TAMU 706 Weddell Sea BAS, GI(Bergen) 707 MAPCOWS OSU, TAMU 708 Vema Channel WHOI 709 Agulhas Array WHOI 710 Shag Rock, Scotia Sea IGMK 711 South Shetland Island Arc IFMK 712 Argentine Basin FSU 713 Ant Circumpolar Curr (WOCE SCM2) AWI, U Bremen 714 MAPKIWI (WOCE PCM9) OSU, TAMU, WHOI, NZOI 715 Deep Basin (WOCE ACM3 & ACM12) IFMK, WHOI 716 Weddell Sea Gyre (WOCE SCM7) AWI, U Bremen 717 Antarctic Coastal Current AWI 718 BEST (WOCE ACM4) OSU, LDEO 719 Deep Basin (WOCE ACM13) IFMK 720 Rio Grande Rise IFMK 721 East Australian Curr (WOCE PCM3) FIAMS 722 ADOX (WOCE SCM6) CEFAS 723 SW Indian Ocean (WOCE SCM9) SOC Abbreviation Institution -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AWI Alfred Wegener Inst for polar & Marine Research, Germany BAS British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK BIO Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada BSH Bundesamt fur Seeschiffarhrt und Hydrographie, Germany CEFAS Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft, UK CMDAC WOCE Current Meter Data Assembly Center, Oregon State University, USA COB Now known as IFREMER COM Centre d'Oceanologie de Marseille, France CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia DOEn Department of Energy (UK) FIAMS Flinders Institute of Atmospheric and Marine Science, Australia FSU Florida State University, USA GI(Bergen) Geophysic Institute, University of Bergen, Norway GIKU Geophysical Institute of Kyoto University, Japan Hokk U Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Japan IFMH Institut fur Meereskunde Universitat Hamburg, Germany IFMK Institut fur Meereskunde Universitat Kiel, Germany IFREMER Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer IO Instituto de Oceanograpfia, Universidade de Lisboa, Potugal IOS Institute of Oceanographic Science, Wormley, UK (now IOSDL) IOSDL Institute of Oceanographic Science, Deacon Laboratory, UK IOUSP Instituto Oceanografico de Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil JMet Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo, Japan Kshu U Kyushu University, Japan Kago U Kagoshima University, Japan Kiel U Kiel University, Germany LDEO Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, USA LPO Laboratoire de Physique des Oceans, France LSU Louisiana State University, USA MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA MNHN Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France MRI Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan MSAJ Maritime Safety Agency, Japan NIOZ Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NRL Naval Reseach Laboratory, Stennis Pace Center, USA NZOI New Zealand Oceanographic Institute OSU Oregon State University, USA PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, USA PML Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK RSMAS Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, USA SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA SISMER Systems d'Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer (at IFREMER, France) SMBA Scottish Marine Biological Association, UK SOC Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK TSKU Tsukuba University, Japan TAMU Texas A&M University, USA Tokai U Tokai University, Japan Tokyo U Tokyo University, Japan U Alaska University of Alaska, USA U Bergen University of Bergen, Norway U Bremen University of Bremen, Germany U Lisbon University of Lisbon, Portugal U Tokyo University of Tokyo, Japan U Wash University of Washington, USA UCG University College, Galway, Ireland URI University of Rhode Island, USA USF University of South Florida, USA WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
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