Metadata from Accession 5653

Experiment name:        AWI Antarctic moorings
Principal Investigator: E.Fahrbach
Affiliation:            Alfred Wegener Inst.
Mooring name:           FR-3
Mooring position:       76.998 deg S,  48.975 deg W
Instrument depth:       203  meters
Seafloor depth:         259  meters
Times:                  0000 26 Jan 1995 to 0800 12 May 1997
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.55    12.69    43.24    6.81    837.42
dir (deg true)       0.00   176.50   359.63  106.01    837.42
u (cm/sec)         -41.90    -1.73    42.39   12.10    837.42
v (cm/sec)         -26.47     1.05    25.00    7.55    837.42
temp (deg C)        -2.04    -1.93    -1.86    0.03    837.42
salinity (psu)      33.22    34.47    34.78    0.39    837.42

As with a number of other instruments in this mooring array,
values registered by the pressure sensor drifted lower during
the experiment, from about 225 db initially to about 100 db.
We have identified this as a sensor failure and have not
included pressure in this file.

The computed salinity, which depends on conductivity, pressure,
and temperature, remains close to 34.7 PSU for most of the
deployment, but drifts lower (by about 1.5 PSU) near the end.
The salinity drift is not in phase with the pressure drift and
may be real.

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