Metadata from Accession 5649

Experiment name:        AWI Antarctic moorings
Principal Investigator: E.Fahrbach
Affiliation:            Alfred Wegener Inst.
Mooring name:           FR-2
Mooring position:       75.038 deg S,  33.520 deg W
Instrument depth:       191  meters
Seafloor depth:         574  meters
Times:                  0000 03 Feb 1995 to 2000 11 May 1997
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.55     9.66    43.24    5.17    828.92
dir (deg true)       0.29   147.65   359.93   96.31    828.92
u (cm/sec)         -29.34     2.98    37.64    7.26    828.92
v (cm/sec)         -38.81    -0.28    34.71    7.63    828.92
temp (deg C)        -1.95    -1.78    -0.05    0.13    828.92
salinity (psu)      33.97    34.47    34.83    0.21    828.92

This instrument's pressure sensor drifted to lower pressures
during the deployment, from about 230 db initially to about
190 db when the mooring was recovered. Since the pressure series
from the mext deeper instrument on the mooring shows no such
decrease, it is apparent that the sensor malfunctioned. The
pressure series has not been included with this file.

Note that salinity, which is calculated from conductivity,
temperature, and pressure may have been affected by the bad
pressure values. We do not know whether the effect is large or
small, so we have allowed salinity to remain in the file. Use
the salinity values with caution.

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