Metadata from Accession 4724

Experiment name:        AnSlope 2004-05
Principal Investigator: A.L.Gordon/A.Orsi/R.D.Pillsbury
Affiliation:            LDEO/TAMU/OSU
Mooring name:           M-4
Mooring position:       71.978 deg S, 172.916 deg E
Instrument depth:       384  meters
Seafloor depth:         984  meters
Times:                  0630 10 Mar 2004 to 0300 03 Feb 2005
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8s

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.65    43.07   161.36   33.17    326.77
dir (deg true)       0.00   256.97   359.83   85.94    329.88
u (cm/sec)        -153.51   -31.74    37.11   33.85    326.77
v (cm/sec)         -65.57     8.79   146.67   26.94    326.77
temp (deg C)        -1.29     0.94     1.29    0.28    329.88
pressure (db)      378.60   429.55   779.60   73.71    329.88

This record contained many, many brief speed dropouts, which
have been bridged by predictive interpolation. The speed series
ends early at line 15684 (0000 31 Jan 05). Direction is present
and good throughout.

The depth of this instrument appears to have increased by about
4 meters shortly after 22 May 04. The same increase can be seen
in records from other instruments on this mooring that carried
pressure sensors.

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