Metadata from Accession 4679

Experiment name:        AnSlope 2003-04
Principal Investigator: A.L.Gordon/A.Orsi/R.D.Pillsbury
Affiliation:            LDEO/TAMU/OSU
Mooring name:           ADP-1
Mooring position:       71.981 deg S, 172.595 deg E
Instrument depth:       872  meters
Seafloor depth:         890  meters
Times:                  2029 06 Mar 2003 to 0100 27 Feb 2004
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        SBE-37 MicroCat

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

temp (deg C)        -1.88    -0.39     0.84    0.64    357.21
pressure (db)      884.50   908.47   923.70    7.34    357.21
cond (mmho/cm)      27.64    28.89    29.92    0.53    357.21

Each of the four instruments on this mooring contained a pressure
sensor. All four of the pressure records show that the mooring slipped
downslope somewhere between 20 and 24 meters (measured vertically)
during the experiment. Some of the depth changes were gradual and
others were abrupt. For example, the deepest Microcat (Accession 4679)
experienced pressure increases of about 2.5 meters on 29 March 03,
2.4 meters on 24 April, 4.9 meters on 19 May, 1.9 meters on 20 May,
and 1.3 meters on 5 February 04. Corresponding pressure changes can
be found in the pressure records of the other instruments on the same

Although the deepest Microcat and the Sontek ADP were at the same
depth, the ADP's pressure record reads 7 to 9 meters shallower than
the Microcat's. Mooring depths were calculated using the Microcat's

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