Metadata from Accession 1249

Principal Investigator: T.Joyce, P.Niiler, W.Schmitz
PI's affiliation:       WHOI
Mooring Name:           WHOI 724
Mooring position:       34.895 deg N,  152.012 deg E
Instrument depth:       1204 meters
Seafloor depth:         6158 meters
Times:                  starts 23 May 1981, ends 31 May 1982
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Geodyne 850

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.72    13.79    39.14     6.20    373.0
dir (deg true)      0.42   163.20   359.84    86.61    373.0
u (cm/sec)        -22.71     4.41    34.44     8.61    373.0
v (cm/sec)        -36.01    -4.30    27.47    10.80    373.0
temp (deg C)        2.47     2.84     3.73     0.24    373.0

Directions in this record are unusually jumpy and should be used
with caution. 

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