Principal Investigator: not available PI's affiliation: PMEL Mooring Name: 86V09A Mooring position: 44.795 deg N, 130.409 deg W Instrument depth: 1000 meters Seafloor depth: 2605 meters Times: starts 16 Aug 1986, ends 27 Jul 1987 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 0.00 4.27 18.16 3.00 345.5 dir (deg true) 0.00 178.61 359.77 105.72 345.5 u (cm/sec) -16.96 -0.63 11.92 3.41 345.5 v (cm/sec) -17.04 -0.21 15.28 3.89 345.5 temp (deg C) 3.33 3.53 3.94 0.10 345.5 pressure (db) 952.70 960.09 997.60 3.51 345.5 salinity (ppt) 31.29 34.28 34.38 0.11 345.5 The salinity series contains an odd excursion on 16 and 17 May, 1987. This may be an instrument error.
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