Metadata from Accession 7212

Experiment name:        Peru Currents Study
Principal Investigator: R.L.Smith
Affiliation:            OSU
Mooring name:           85 deg West
Mooring position:        4.203 deg S,  84.053 deg W
Instrument depth:       107  meters
Seafloor depth:         3477 meters
Times:                  2329 18 Nov 1983 to 1129 11 May 1984
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM4/5

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.61     7.28    29.10    4.25    174.54
dir (deg true)       0.00   155.68   359.26   91.65    174.54
u (cm/sec)         -15.90     1.81    25.20    5.71    174.54
v (cm/sec)         -19.90    -1.29    21.30    5.78    174.54
temp (deg C)        13.79    14.38    15.45    0.24    174.54
pressure (db)      103.90   108.70   122.00    2.86    174.54

The pressure sensor appears to have drifted lower during
the first month, starting off about 15 db higher than its
eventual level. (This is seen in the pressure traces from
many of the instruments in this experiment.)

Move up one level