Metadata from Accession 7188

Experiment name:        Peru Currents Study
Principal Investigator: R.L.Smith
Affiliation:            OSU
Mooring name:           10 deg S Offshore
Mooring position:       10.393 deg S,  79.730 deg W
Instrument depth:       110  meters
Seafloor depth:         4265 meters
Times:                  2103 16 Feb 1983 to 1203 25 Nov 1983
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM4/5

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       1.75    15.16    42.77    7.63     85.13
dir (deg true)       1.71   153.55   358.67  117.28     85.13
u (cm/sec)         -28.90     3.46    29.10   10.02     85.13
v (cm/sec)         -41.60     3.90    32.30   12.67     85.13
temp (deg C)        13.40    20.51    24.31    2.37    281.67

Speed and direction end early at line 2043 (2303 12 May 1983).

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