Metadata from Accession 7160

Experiment name:        Peru Currents Study
Principal Investigator: R.L.Smith
Affiliation:            OSU
Mooring name:           10 deg S Outer Slope
Mooring position:       10.237 deg S,  79.470 deg W
Instrument depth:       404  meters
Seafloor depth:         2061 meters
Times:                  2134 21 Nov 1981 to 1704 16 Mar 1982
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.50     7.21    37.56    5.25    114.83
dir (deg true)       0.00   208.37   359.36  104.85    114.83
u (cm/sec)         -29.90    -1.41    16.60    5.94    114.83
v (cm/sec)         -16.60     1.55    32.80    6.31    114.83
temp (deg C)         8.71     9.84    11.00    0.44    114.83
pressure (db)      407.70   416.94   445.80    7.14    114.83

The pressure record displays a slow decrease of about
30 db over the first several weeks, which probably is
due to sensor drift.

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