Experiment name: GARS Principal Investigator: T.C.Royer Affiliation: U of Alaska Mooring name: SHU15/1 Mooring position: 54.447 deg N, 158.460 deg W Instrument depth: 1730 meters Seafloor depth: 2150 meters Times: 0946 15 May 1987 to 1546 21 Sep 1988 Time increment: 180 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM4 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 1.50 6.68 17.40 3.24 495.38 dir (deg true) 0.17 205.29 359.83 86.65 495.38 u (cm/sec) -17.21 -2.47 13.96 5.26 495.38 v (cm/sec) -15.88 -1.23 14.44 4.45 495.38 temp (deg C) 2.07 2.26 2.46 0.05 495.38 depth (m) 1729.02 1731.46 1750.62 2.49 495.38 salinity (psu) 34.42 34.52 34.61 0.03 495.38 A stretch of about 3 days of below-threshold speeds begins on 4 August 1988. These speeds have been set to 1.5 cm/sec, which is the instrument's threshold speed.
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