Experiment name: GARS Principal Investigator: T.C.Royer Affiliation: U of Alaska Mooring name: SHU15/1 Mooring position: 54.447 deg N, 158.460 deg W Instrument depth: 1030 meters Seafloor depth: 2150 meters Times: 0944 15 May 1987 to 1544 21 Sep 1988 Time increment: 180 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM4 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 1.50 9.17 17.41 4.22 495.38 dir (deg true) 1.61 224.93 358.29 54.19 495.38 u (cm/sec) -17.34 -5.52 16.86 5.04 495.38 v (cm/sec) -16.79 -4.04 16.86 5.45 495.38 temp (deg C) 2.64 2.88 3.22 0.08 495.38 depth (m) 1021.38 1036.53 1094.94 9.54 495.38 salinity (psu) 34.16 34.40 34.52 0.04 495.38
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