Metadata from Accession 5010

Experiment name:        FOCI
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            PMEL
Mooring name:           01gsp2a
Mooring position:       52.268 deg N, 169.669 deg W
Instrument depth:       1000 meters
Seafloor depth:         2000 meters
Times:                  0705 21 May 2001 to 0305 11 Aug 2001
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.29    10.22    28.16    5.13     81.88
dir (deg true)       3.86   242.55   358.94   52.90     81.88
u (cm/sec)         -26.76    -7.94     8.64    5.82     81.88
v (cm/sec)         -24.08    -2.75    15.16    5.12     81.88
temp (deg C)         2.52     2.70     2.89    0.05     81.88

Pressure records from the other two current meters on this mooring
show that the mooring slipped downslope about a day after it was
deployed. The increase in depth was about 35 meters. Judging from
those pressure records, this instrument may have been 100 to 150
meters deeper than its given depth of 1000 meters.

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