Experiment name: FOCI Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: PMEL Mooring name: 01gsp1a Mooring position: 52.392 deg N, 169.746 deg W Instrument depth: 1006 meters Seafloor depth: 1050 meters Times: 0104 20 May 2001 to 1904 01 Dec 2001 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.00 8.43 40.48 5.26 195.79 dir (deg true) 0.00 208.23 359.99 108.87 195.79 u (cm/sec) -26.24 -2.63 21.07 6.14 195.79 v (cm/sec) -36.84 1.40 38.99 7.22 195.79 temp (deg C) 2.59 3.07 3.64 0.14 195.79 pressure (db) 1004.49 1006.63 1008.63 0.47 195.79 Speed and direction in this record are unusually noisy. Use them with caution.
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