Metadata from Accession 5002

Experiment name:        FOCI
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            PMEL
Mooring name:           01fatep1a
Mooring position:       58.254 deg N, 147.684 deg W
Instrument depth:       559  meters
Seafloor depth:         2404 meters
Times:                  1600 26 May 2001 to 2000 22 Sep 2001
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.29    11.45    31.97    5.91    119.21
dir (deg true)       0.09   155.01   359.74  110.31    119.21
u (cm/sec)         -31.84     1.59    31.08    9.00    119.21
v (cm/sec)         -29.47     1.33    25.39    8.98    119.21
temp (deg C)         3.66     4.06     4.36    0.15    119.21
pressure (db)      493.82   496.34   499.61    1.02    119.21
cond (mmho/cm)      32.37    32.69    32.87    0.11    119.21

The recorded pressures in this record and those from two other
instruments on the mooring correspond to a depth approximately
60 meters shallower than the nominal depth.

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