Metadata from Accession 3625

Experiment name:        EPOCS
Principal Investigator: not available
Affiliation:            not available
Mooring name:           140 West
Mooring position:        0.000 deg N, 140.000 deg W
Instrument depth:       80   meters
Seafloor depth:         4500 meters
Times:                  0000 05 Sep 1996 to 0000 14 Apr 1997
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        not available

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       1.15    52.63   130.96   22.00    201.08
dir (deg true)      10.71   113.14   356.32   41.19    201.08
u (cm/sec)         -41.81    42.59   125.50   28.28    201.08
v (cm/sec)         -77.86   -12.04    54.04   22.27    201.08
temp (deg C)        19.11    23.63    26.28    1.17    221.04

u and v contain a gap in lines 3220 - 3477 (0300 17 Jan 97 -
1900 27 Jan 97).  In addition, u and v end at line 4826
(0100 25 Mar 97), about 20 days befor temperature ends.

Move up one level.