Experiment name: EPOCS Principal Investigator: not available Affiliation: not available Mooring name: 140 West Mooring position: 0.000 deg N, 140.000 deg W Instrument depth: 25 meters Seafloor depth: 4500 meters Times: 0000 05 Sep 1996 to 0000 14 Apr 1997 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: not available parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.52 48.02 121.14 25.96 210.00 dir (deg true) 0.10 205.42 359.90 102.87 210.00 u (cm/sec) -111.74 -10.06 117.08 38.32 210.00 v (cm/sec) -75.87 -3.45 110.51 35.28 210.00 temp (deg C) 23.45 24.99 26.81 0.72 221.04 u and v in this record begin later than temperature. The first u and v values are at line 266 (0100 16 Sep 96) of the temperature series.
Move up one level.