Experiment name: EPOCS Principal Investigator: not available Affiliation: not available Mooring name: 140 West Mooring position: 0.000 deg N, 140.000 deg W Instrument depth: 80 meters Seafloor depth: 4500 meters Times: 0200 22 Mar 1995 to 1800 10 Sep 1995 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: not available parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 47.18 101.06 138.80 15.94 119.67 dir (deg true) 66.98 86.87 111.73 7.59 119.67 u (cm/sec) 46.62 34.80 138.69 39.62 119.67 v (cm/sec) -30.00 1.97 47.42 7.94 119.67 temp (deg C) 17.38 21.46 25.29 1.64 172.71 u and v in this record contain a gap in lines 479 - 2351 (0000 11 Apr 95 - 0000 28 Jun 95).
Move up one level.