Experiment name: DOMES Principal Investigator: unavailable Affiliation: PMEL Mooring name: unavailable Mooring position: 8.450 deg N, 150.818 deg W Instrument depth: 4954 meters Seafloor depth: 4984 meters Times: 0600 04 May 1976 to 1700 02 Nov 1976 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: VACM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.00 2.09 10.06 2.33 182.50 dir (deg true) 0.00 116.58 359.88 136.43 182.50 u (cm/sec) -9.98 -0.76 6.66 2.15 182.50 v (cm/sec) -7.00 0.46 8.45 2.10 182.50 temp (deg C) 1.14 1.15 1.20 0.00 182.50 48.0% of the speeds in this record are zero. Associated directions are carried as zero.
Move up one level.