Experiment name: Evans Head 89 Principal Investigator: G.Cresswell Affiliation: CSIRO Mooring name: EHF994 Mooring position: 29.190 deg S, 153.960 deg E Instrument depth: 994 meters Seafloor depth: 2000 meters Times: 0800 05 Sep 1989 to 1500 22 Mar 1990 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM 4/5 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.25 14.03 50.77 8.65 194.46 dir (deg true) 0.00 184.39 359.77 51.39 198.33 u (cm/sec) -17.32 -1.13 15.73 3.98 194.46 v (cm/sec) -50.74 -12.43 13.01 10.01 194.46 pressure (db) 866.00 889.57 1000.00 26.03 198.33 Speed ends early at line 4667 (1800 18 Mar 1990). Direction continues good to the end of the file. This file's recorded pressures (which average 890 db) are much less than the meter's nominal depth of 994 m.
Move up one level.