Metadata from Accession 5349

Experiment name:        Australian Coastal Exp
Principal Investigator: J.Church
Affiliation:            CSIRO
Mooring name:           NE 4
Mooring position:       33.250 deg S, 152.410 deg E
Instrument depth:       190  meters
Seafloor depth:         1030 meters
Times:                  0700 15 Sep 1983 to 0800 01 Feb 1984
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.54    40.12   100.44   28.27    139.08
dir (deg true)       0.11   152.32   359.90   98.94    139.08
u (cm/sec)         -71.68    -6.10    62.55   26.72    139.08
v (cm/sec)         -92.03   -13.43    59.31   38.44    139.08
temp (deg C)         7.39    13.29    16.61    1.49    139.08
cond (mmho/cm)      34.64    35.26    35.61    0.18    139.08

Speed contains a number of short interpolations between 04 Jan 83
and 20 Jan 83 where the sensor appears to have gone offscale during
episodes of very high speeds (near 100 cm/sec).

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