Experiment name: Australian Coastal Exp Principal Investigator: J.Church Affiliation: CSIRO Mooring name: NE 2 Mooring position: 33.190 deg S, 152.300 deg E Instrument depth: 75 meters Seafloor depth: 230 meters Times: 0200 15 Sep 1983 to 0000 13 Mar 1984 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.26 29.67 99.47 21.90 179.96 dir (deg true) 0.00 170.08 359.89 103.40 179.96 u (cm/sec) -69.10 -4.64 52.01 20.21 179.96 v (cm/sec) -85.69 -5.63 86.55 29.97 179.96 temp (deg C) 11.57 16.94 19.99 1.65 179.96 The speed sensor appears to have gone offscale during five high-speed episodes: 14 and 15 Dec 83 (lines 2173 - 2188) 09 Jan 84 (lines 2789 - 2796) 15 and 16 Jan 84 (lines 2927 - 2965) two very brief events during 30 and 31 Jan 84 On this type of occasion the sensor, which records analog values in the range 0 - 1023, wraps around to low values. CSIRO appears to have simply interpolated across these events. (A better plan would have been to add 1024 to the wrapped values and apply the usual calibration equation.) The current meter recorded conductivity, but the conductivity series looks so unusual, and has so many linear interpolations, that we doubt the instrument was working correctly. This series has not been included here.
Move up one level.