Experiment name: Australian Coastal Exp Principal Investigator: J.Church Affiliation: CSIRO Mooring name: NE 1 Mooring position: 33.120 deg S, 152.150 deg E Instrument depth: 125 meters Seafloor depth: 150 meters Times: 2300 14 Sep 1983 to 2200 13 Mar 1984 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.43 16.47 57.88 9.28 181.00 dir (deg true) 0.17 180.87 358.68 92.50 49.08 u (cm/sec) -34.65 -3.00 24.02 10.63 49.08 v (cm/sec) -23.94 -2.44 17.78 8.09 49.08 temp (deg C) 10.72 13.93 17.24 1.11 171.67 cond (mmho/cm) 34.01 34.70 35.40 0.31 68.00 Not a good record. Speed appears to be the only series that is good throughout. Direction, temperature, and conductivity have been terminated early: Direction (also u & v) end at line 1178 (0000 03 Nov 83) Temperature ends at line 4120 (1400 04 Mar 84) Conductivity ends at line 1632 (2200 21 Nov 83)
Move up one level.