Experiment name: Australian Coastal Exp Principal Investigator: J.Church Affiliation: CSIRO Mooring name: NE 1 Mooring position: 33.120 deg S, 152.150 deg E Instrument depth: 75 meters Seafloor depth: 150 meters Times: 2300 14 Sep 1983 to 2200 13 Mar 1984 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.16 19.83 62.49 12.10 181.00 dir (deg true) 0.00 184.29 359.91 98.19 181.00 u (cm/sec) -49.12 -6.88 36.05 14.20 181.00 v (cm/sec) -58.58 -4.53 42.66 16.43 181.00 temp (deg C) 12.25 15.99 19.82 1.54 181.00 cond (mmho/cm) 34.00 34.81 35.67 0.42 169.63 Conductivity appears to contain many linear interpolations after line 3006 (0400 18 Jan 84) and has been terminated early at line 4071 (1300 02 Mar 84).Move up one level.