Experiment name: Australian Coastal Exp Principal Investigator: J.Church Affiliation: CSIRO Mooring name: CH 4 Mooring position: 37.590 deg S, 150.410 deg E Instrument depth: 720 meters Seafloor depth: 2900 meters Times: 0700 12 Sep 1983 to 1800 22 Mar 1984 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM4 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.00 13.37 49.11 10.20 192.50 dir (deg true) 0.00 188.37 359.88 103.85 192.50 u (cm/sec) -30.35 -0.99 35.86 8.31 192.50 v (cm/sec) -48.49 -2.00 35.63 14.45 192.50 temp (deg C) 5.45 6.98 10.83 0.92 192.50 cond (mmho/cm) 34.25 34.49 35.01 0.07 192.50 Temperature and conductivity have a gap in lines 877 through 885 (1900 18 Oct 83 - 0300 19 Oct 83). Both show a change of register during the gap. Temperature decreases by about 1.3 degrees and conductivity by about 0.09 mmho/cm. u and v appear to contain interpolations at the same time. The two other instruments on the mooring also recorded disturbances that coincide in time with these. It is likely that the mooring moved over a period of several hours.
Move up one level.