Experiment name: Australian Coastal Exp Principal Investigator: J.Church Affiliation: CSIRO Mooring name: SP 5 Mooring position: 34.480 deg S, 151.560 deg E Instrument depth: 360 meters Seafloor depth: 1840 meters Times: 0400 09 Sep 1983 to 0000 11 Mar 1984 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.05 18.11 48.22 11.16 69.21 dir (deg true) 0.18 172.30 359.88 99.39 69.21 u (cm/sec) -27.04 -5.79 19.68 9.89 69.21 v (cm/sec) -44.50 -2.88 28.11 10.62 69.21 temp (deg C) 7.14 10.92 13.74 1.10 183.88 Speed and direction (and hence u and v) end early. The last good speed and direction are at line 1661 (17 Nov 83).
Move up one level.