Metadata from Accession 5318

Experiment name:        Australian Coastal Exp
Principal Investigator: J.Church
Affiliation:            CSIRO
Mooring name:           SP 2
Mooring position:       34.380 deg S, 151.300 deg E
Instrument depth:       87   meters
Seafloor depth:         220  meters
Times:                  0700 08 Sep 1983 to 0200 10 Mar 1984
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.22    31.11    99.86   25.63    183.83
dir (deg true)       0.00   192.83   359.20   76.55    183.83
u (cm/sec)         -77.99   -12.05    26.46   15.74    183.83
v (cm/sec)         -96.39   -21.63    34.65   27.64    183.83
temp (deg C)        12.81    16.38    19.99    1.73    183.83

This record contains four episodes where the speed sensor appears
to have gone offscale at speeds near 100 cm/sec. (The RCM5's sensors
record numbers in the range 0 - 1023; a speed above this range would
wrap around to a low value. u and v look quite reasonable during these
times but speed clearly shows interpolations. The four episodes are
in lines

   3371 through 3481 (1700 26 Jan 84 - 0700 31 Jan 84)
   3666 through 3694 (0000 08 Feb 84 - 0400 09 Feb 84)
   3784 through 3814 (2200 12 Feb 84 - 0400 14 Feb 84)
   3847 through 3873 (1300 15 feb 84 - 1500 16 Feb 84)

Use these portions of the record with caution.

Move up one level.