Metadata from Accession 5316

Experiment name:        Australian Coastal Exp
Principal Investigator: J.Church
Affiliation:            CSIRO
Mooring name:           SP 1
Mooring position:       34.330 deg S, 151.190 deg E
Instrument depth:       82   meters
Seafloor depth:         150  meters
Times:                  0500 08 Sep 1983 to 1800 10 Mar 1984
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM4

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.70    23.88    94.73   16.50    184.58
dir (deg true)       0.11   191.46   359.92   70.31    184.58
u (cm/sec)         -65.88    -7.07    19.41    9.40    184.58
v (cm/sec)         -91.37   -17.49    35.51   19.94    184.58
temp (deg C)        12.94    15.70    19.91    1.59    184.58

This record contains an episode 58 hours long in lines 4169
through 4227 (2100 28 Feb 84 - 0700 02 Mar 84) where u and v
are quite rough and temperature contains many interpolations.
This may indicate an instrument failure.

Move up one level.