Metadata from Accession 8620

Experiment name:        JGOFS-India
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            unavailable
Mooring name:           unavailable
Mooring position:       15.629 deg N,  68.559 deg E
Instrument depth:       134.9 meters
Seafloor depth:         3807 meters
Times:                  1259 16 Oct 1993 to 0059 06 Jul 1994
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       1.10     4.88    15.63    2.78    262.54
dir (deg true)       1.00   168.00   359.05   88.72    262.54
u (cm/sec)          -9.73     0.46    11.14    3.10    262.54
v (cm/sec)         -15.47    -1.87    10.98    4.27    262.54
temp (deg C)         5.66     6.39     6.84    0.17    262.54
pressure (db)      135.79   136.25   136.63    0.18    262.54
cond (mmho/cm)      34.54    35.41    35.83    0.18    262.54
salinity (PSU)      34.88    35.12    35.22    0.05    262.54

The original version of this record, as provided on the
Pangea site, contains some timing problems that we believe
we have fixed.

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