Metadata from Accession 8618

Experiment name:        JGOFS-India
Principal Investigator: unavailable
Affiliation:            unavailable
Mooring name:           unavailable
Mooring position:       16.337 deg N,  60.306 deg E
Instrument depth:       125.0 meters
Seafloor depth:         3823 meters
Times:                  1345 12 Oct 1993 to 2245 07 Jun 1994
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       1.10     6.15    20.28    3.08    238.42
dir (deg true)       1.00   165.75   359.05  110.05    238.42
u (cm/sec)         -16.42    -0.19    13.27    4.67    238.42
v (cm/sec)         -16.43     1.06    18.51    4.93    238.42
temp (deg C)         6.38     7.12     7.72    0.25    238.42
pressure (db)      125.56   126.02   126.63    0.16    238.42
cond (mmho/cm)      35.44    36.19    36.67    0.25    238.42
salinity (PSU)      35.12    35.28    35.40    0.05    238.42

This record contains evidence of clock problems that increase
toward the end of the deployment. For this reason we have excluded
the last several days of the record, and warn that the clock may
have been running about half an hour fast at the end of the record.

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