Experiment name: SEQUAL Principal Investigator: R.H.Weisberg Affiliation: N Carolina State U Mooring name: unavailable Mooring position: 36.100 deg N, 72.957 deg W Instrument depth: 88 meters Seafloor depth: 3658 meters Times: 0700 16 Jan 1984 to 1500 11 Jan 1985 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 1.50 21.20 53.49 10.24 361.38 dir (deg true) 0.00 86.07 359.71 111.95 361.38 u (cm/sec) -20.58 9.65 49.57 10.83 361.38 v (cm/sec) -14.07 15.66 46.13 9.92 361.38 temp (deg C) 4.52 9.04 12.11 1.61 361.38 u and v contain a long gap beginning at line 1763 (1700 29 Mar 1984) and ending at line 5514 (0000 02 Sep 1984). Temperature is present throughout but contains some noisy episodes during and after October 1984 that may or may not be instrument failures. Overall it is not a good record.
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