Metadata from Accession 6206

Experiment name:        SEQUAL
Principal Investigator: P.Richardson
Affiliation:            WHOI
Mooring name:           S3
Mooring position:        0.003 deg N,  25.992 deg W
Instrument depth:       10   meters
Seafloor depth:         3697 meters
Times:                  0600 12 May 1981 to 0700 28 Nov 1981
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        unavailable

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       4.20    47.43   111.34   21.65     59.46
dir (deg true)       0.12   239.34   359.86   96.01     59.46
u (cm/sec)        -107.59   -35.13    40.25   29.36     59.46
v (cm/sec)         -46.82     5.48    57.74   24.34     59.46
temp (deg C)        24.92    26.33    27.78    0.55    200.08

Speed and direction end early at line 1427 (1600 10 July 1981).

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