Metadata from Accession 7736

Experiment name:        USGS Shelf/Slope Study
Principal Investigator: B.Butman
Affiliation:            USGS/WHOI
Mooring name:           281
Mooring position:       39.822 deg N,  70.083 deg W
Instrument depth:       1143 meters
Seafloor depth:         1150 meters
Times:                  1700 13 Mar 1984 to 0600 28 Aug 1984
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        VACM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.16     8.52    25.67    4.31    167.54
dir (deg true)       0.18   228.61   359.87   74.93    167.54
u (cm/sec)         -23.95    -4.52    19.32    6.07    167.54
v (cm/sec)         -20.68    -1.98    14.13    5.47    167.54
temp (deg C)         3.86     4.09     4.54    0.07    167.54
att coeff (1/m)      0.23     0.27     1.11    0.03    246.79

Speed, direction and temperature end early at line 4021
(0500 28 Aug 1984).

Immediately after deployment, temperature appears to drift
downward into its final range during the first 7 or 8 hours.

Move up one level.