Experiment name: USGS Shelf/Slope Study Principal Investigator: B.Butman Affiliation: USGS/WHOI Mooring name: 274 Mooring position: 39.921 deg N, 70.082 deg W Instrument depth: 484 meters Seafloor depth: 491 meters Times: 1900 23 Oct 1983 to 1600 13 Mar 1984 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: VACM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.28 7.54 32.40 4.19 141.92 dir (deg true) 0.18 220.60 359.92 100.80 141.92 u (cm/sec) -30.95 -2.26 18.33 4.20 141.92 v (cm/sec) -28.85 -0.63 18.01 7.16 141.92 temp (deg C) 4.86 5.68 6.86 0.35 141.92 cond (mmho/cm) 34.33 36.42 37.60 0.37 141.92 att coeff (1/m) 0.00 0.03 0.28 0.01 141.92 salinity (PSU) 34.85 37.41 37.63 0.14 141.92 Conductivity and salinity start low and slowly move up to their final range during the first 24 hours. Is this an accurate measurement or sensor drift?
Move up one level.