Experiment name: Local Dynamics Exp Principal Investigator: W.B.Owens PI's affiliation: WHOI Mooring Name: WHOI 640 Mooring position: 31.023 deg N, 69.498 deg W Instrument depth: 3004 meters Seafloor depth: 5355 meters Times: starts 20 May 1978, ends 19 May 1979 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: not available parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 1.73 7.36 20.77 3.61 365.0 dir (deg true) 0.00 152.32 359.81 97.21 365.0 u (cm/sec) -13.77 0.59 17.32 5.23 365.0 v (cm/sec) -13.32 0.29 20.43 6.27 365.0 temp (deg C) 2.64 2.83 2.92 0.04 365.0 This file contains a gap of approximately 2 months in all time series. The gap is in lines 4105 through 5640 (7 Nov 78 through 9 Jan 79).
Move up one level.