Metadata from Accession 7834

Experiment name:        Line W
Principal Investigator: J.Toole
Affiliation:            WHOI
Mooring name:           W5
Mooring position:       38.178 deg N,  68.567 deg W
Instrument depth:       985  meters
Seafloor depth:         4110 meters
Times:                  0408 08 Apr 2006 to 0438 11 Apr 2007
Time increment:         15 minutes
Instrument type:        VACM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.97    13.39    42.54    7.14    368.03
dir (deg true)       0.06   159.01   359.99   99.18    368.03
u (cm/sec)         -41.01     3.09    30.82   12.13    368.03
v (cm/sec)         -29.05     1.34    32.47    8.47    368.03
temp (deg C)         3.99     4.67     7.54    0.69    368.03
pressure (db)     1015.09  1027.75  1367.20   27.68    368.03
salinity (PSU)      34.90    35.00    35.22    0.04    368.03

The temperature, pressure, and salinity series in this record
may be from a MicroCat that was at the same depth as this VACM.
The data files that WHOI has made available are unclear on
this point.

Move up one level.