Experiment name: Line W Principal Investigator: J.Toole Affiliation: WHOI Mooring name: W3 Mooring position: 38.845 deg N, 69.183 deg W Instrument depth: 3187 meters Seafloor depth: 3248 meters Times: 0015 30 Apr 2005 to 1245 10 Apr 2006 Time increment: 15 minutes Instrument type: SBE-37 parameter min mean max stddev days temp (deg C) 2.10 2.29 2.69 0.10 345.53 salinity (PSU) 34.85 34.89 34.96 0.01 345.53 Salinity contains a small (about 0.012 PSU) change of register at line 19904 (0800 23 Nov 2005).
Move up one level.